Whole frozen seafood such as sea-bass, yellow croaker; seasoning packets with ingredients and crayfish; convenience packs of convenient prepared dishes; processed and prepared foods such as fish fillets and pickled fish; ready-to-eat food , heated and ready-to-eat, semi-finished products , and ready-to-serve vegetables heated with raw ingredient;mulberry juices; vending machines
3615 8733/61954864
3705 1137
Hidee has 29 years of experience in the aquatic industry and our business is progressing well.
Currently, we have an one-stop industrial supply chain operation from fish breeding grounds to aquatic product processing, including global sales.
We implement a HACCP quality management system, follow internationally-recognised best practices, to ensure our product quality and food safety are of the highest standards.
All our products have attained the EU BRC, ACC, US FDA, and other certifications.
Our fish farm covers an area of more than 3,000 acres. holds a BAP certification (International Standards) of the World's Best Aquaculture Practices