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"Hong Kong ‧ IN ‧ Brand Greater Bay" Serial Activities

Under the sponsorship of the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund by Trade and Industry Department, the Hong Kong Brand Development Council (BDC) is implementing “Organising ‘Hong Kong‧IN‧Brand Greater Bay’ serial activities to promote Hong Kong brands’ collective image” Project (also referred to as “Hong Kong‧IN‧Brand Greater Bay”), with the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA) acting as the Collaborating Organisation and the CMA Exhibition Services Limited acting as Implementation Agent. 

In order to assist Hong Kong industries to ride on the growth of Greater Bay Area, the BDC and CMA join hands in implementing a large-scale brand promotion and research project, which, under the banner of “‘Hong Kong.IN.Brand Greater Bay’ Serial Activities”, explores the “brand + new” ways for Hong Kong companies to enhance market clouts and sharpen long-term competitiveness in the Greater Bay Area.

The Project broaches a “Brand Greater Bay” Vision and presents a variety of deliverables under a two-pronged approach, i.e. assisting Hong Kong companies to tap into the domestic market of Greater Bay Area on one hand and facilitating the upgrading of their brand operations on the other. Its mainstay includes a multi-stop “roving” publicity campaign, which stage a series of brand image-building, promotion and consumer engagement activities in selected cities in the Greater Bay Area, supplemented by multi-location, multi-dimensional market research and business strategy profiling. With an eye to providing a holistic platform to support Hong Kong companies aspiring to “deep plow” the regional market, the Project makes special efforts to discover the rapidly-changing consumption culture in the Greater Bay Area and endeavors to uplift the collective image and market influences of Hong Kong brands. At the same time, it also represents a well-orchestrated attempt to inculcate Hong Kong brand culture into the consumer and the industries in the region, while advocating Hong Kong Brand as a unique “advantageous resource” that could boost the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area.

The “Brand Greater Bay Area” Project is structured into two phases; and the second-phase serial activities were launched on April 1, 2024 and will last for 12 months. With Guangzhou chosen as the “landing foothold”, Phase Two Series unfolds an array of diversified promotion activities plus “on the ground” business studies, leading Hong Kong brands to “go deeper” into the Greater Bay Area.