Phase One (Macao Brandfest)
The Hong Kong Brand Development Council successfully completed the first phase of the "Hong Kong · IN · Brand Greater Bay" Serial Activities, the major deliverables of the Project (Phase One) included:
- "Hong Kong Brand i-Directory" (Brand HKiD) was introduced, which formulated a set of identification criteria for verifying a brand's "Hong Kong" identity, together with a registration system and online listing facilities to publish the information of accredited brands. The new regime accepted the first batch of applications in September 2020, with a dedicated website and mobile application officially launched in June 2021; and over 200 local brands have been registered thus far.
- Brand Image Gallery (Macao): "Macao Brandfest" brand promotion activities were rolled out from 7 to 10 April 2023 at the "the 5th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo, Macau", which was the first large-scale cross-border trade fair organised by The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong after the epidemic and recorded nearly 150,000 visitors during the 4-day exhibition period. A Brand Image Gallery was set up at the Expo to display more than 50 product items of 20 Hong Kong brands, accompanied by two "Interactive Experience Camp" kiosks where Hong Kong brands stationed at the venue organised consumer engagement activities. The showcase provided an effective window for Macao citizens to experience Hong Kong brands at a close range on the one hand; and it on the other hand helped Hong Kong industries to better understand the latest development of local business environment and built up the influence of Hong Kong brands in the regional market by leveraging on the unique role of Macao as a portal to GBA.
- Customer Survey: A Questionnaire Survey was carried out in the Greater Bay Area from July to October 2020, covering Macao and 9 municipalities in Guangdong Province, with over 1,700 consumers being interviewed. A two-way quantitative study was then conducted on the basis of the data collected, which depicted the aggregated picture of the GBA Region on the one hand and look into the inter-city differentials through comparative analyses on the other. This Study advanced the understanding of the consumers' preference, purchasing behaviour and information channels as well as their perception of Hong Kong brands, providing valuable first-hand information for Hong Kong companies' reference and shedding light on the effective branding and marketing strategies. The BDC released the result of the "Report of Study on the Attitude towards Hong Kong Brands and Purchasing Behaviour of Greater Bay Area Consumers" in June 2021.
- Company Case Study: A dedicated expert team conducted study on 6 brands based in Hong Kong or Mainland China, in an attempt to analyse and document their real-life experience in developing domestic sales and building brands in the Greater Bay Area. This study in particular identified role models in "brand competiveness" building and conceptualised their success factors as well as practical know-how, extracting from them relevant insights for Hong Kong companies' reference. The "Effective Branding in Greater Bay Area Company Case Study Report" was released in January 2022.
- Training Workshop: A one-day training workshop is to be hosted in Hong Kong on 23 December 2020, at which professionals and practitioners with domain expertise analysed the latest business environment and trends of consumer culture in the Greater Bay Area, and shared with Hong Kong brand operators the knowledge and practices related to brand development, promotion and management, helping them to sharpen core competence in brand building. The Workshop attracted over 100 participants.
- Experience Sharing Seminar: A seminar under the banner of "Branding@GBA: Strategies and Experience Sharing 2023" was held on 25 April 2023. With an audience of over 120 participants, the Seminar featured a strong line-up of renowned scholar, professional and representatives from GBA companies, who shared their real-life experience and exchanged views on the effective strategies for developing market and promoting brands in the GBA. The Organiser also took this opportunity to officially publish the printed version of the report on the Consumer Survey and Company Case Study in the Greater Bay Area.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this webpage (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund.