2010 Best Brand Idea Award
The judging of the 2010 Best Brand Idea Award was held on 21 August and three outstanding brand proposals were selected as the winners of the Award. A presentation ceremony cum Seminar was held on 15 September. Ms Shirley Chan, BDC Chairman and Dr Jane Lee, Head of College of Business & Finance, delivered speeches and presented prizes to the awardees. The seminar under the theme of “Managing Creativity in Building Brands” invited three brand experts to share on brand-building experience. It attracted over 150 audiences to attend.
A dinner at the Member Club of Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce was arranged on 12 October to the winners as an mentoring opportunity for exchanging business experience with representatives of the Organizers and judges.
Winner List of 2010 Best Brand Idea Award:
1st Runner-up : Ms Leung Sze Wan Group
2nd Runner-up: Mr Hung Fan Him Group
3rd Runner-up: Ms Amy Kwok Group