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Press Release

[25 Sep 2019] 2019 Annual General Meeting held by HKBDC
[15 Jul 2019] 2019 HK Top Brand Awards & HK Top Service Brand Awards Call for Application BDC introduced Brand-new Award Schemes to recognize Distinguished Brand Leader
[29 Jan 2019] 2018 Brand Awards' Presentation Ceremony-cum-Gala Dinner for 43 Outstanding Local Brands
[21 Jan 2019] The Result of "HK Top Brand", "HK Top Service Brand", "HK Emerging Brand" & "HK Emerging Service Brand" 2018
[19 Nov 2018] 2018 List of Entries of Hong Kong Top Brand Awards, Hong Kong Top Service Brand Awards, Hong Kong Emerging Brand Awards & Hong Kong Emerging Service Brand Awards
[12 Nov 2018] BDC and CMA strengthen connections with Consul-Generals of Belt and Road countries
[21 Sep 2018] 2018 Annual General Meeting held by HKBDC
[17 Jul 2018] Kick-off Ceremony of 2018 Hong Kong Top Brand & Top Service Brand Awards and Hong Kong Emerging Brand & Emerging Service Brand Awards
[9 Jul 2018] Mr Wong Ka Wo BBS JP as the Chairman of the 6th General Committee of BDC
[16 Apr 2018] The 6th General Committee of BDC
[2 Feb 2018] 2017 Brand Awards' Presentation Ceremony-cum-Gala Dinner for 44 Outstanding Local Brands
[23 Jan 2018] The Result of "HK Top Brand", "HK Top Service Brand", "HK Emerging Brand" & "HK Emerging Service Brand" 2017
[30 Nov 2017] Preliminary Judging Result of 2017 HK Top Brand & Top Service Brand Awards , HK Emerging Brand & Emerging Service Brand Awards
[7 Nov 2017]E-Book Launching Ceremony of Branding: To Do Hong Kong Proud”
[26 Sep 2017] 2017 Annual General Meeting held by HKBDC