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Hong Kong Top Service Brands


Pet Holidays

Time of Establishment



Pet Holidays (Hong Kong) Company Limited

Award (Year)

Hong Kong Emerging Service Brand (2020), Hong Kong Top Service Brand (2022)

Main Service(s)

Pet Travel Service, Pet Immigration Service, Group Tour, Ticketing & Booking Agency

"Top Mark" Registered Categories

Pet Travel Service, Pet Immigration Service, Group Tour, Ticketing & Booking Agency


Room 203B, Shui Hing Centre, 13 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel No.

2287 8245



Wits for Win

Pet Holidays believes that there is always a beautiful and intriguing relationship between every pet owner and the pets. Based on the philosophy of "Pets, Family, Companionship", we are committed to fulfilling dreams of every pet family.

Company Profile

Travelling around the world or migrating with the beloved pets has long been desired by every pet owner. Ms Fanny Leung grasped the business opportunity and founded Pet Holidays in 2016, injecting new impetus into Hong Kong's tourism and pet industry. The first Pet Holidays private plane tour was successfully launched in 2018, which brought a stir among the industries and received extensive media coverage. Pet Holidays received capital injection from Pricerite Group in 2020 when Pricerite set foot on pet products retail business, which has brought about synergy effects and boded well for the stable growth of the Brand.

Track of Glory

Pet Holidays' team has over a decade of experience in providing professional pet travel and immigration services; and the Company is also a certified member of International Pet and Animal Transportation Association. Pet Holidays operates private plane tours to popular destinations such as Kanto, Kansai, and Okinawa. To improve overall experience and achieve "travelling in the same aircraft and cabin, eat, sleep and play together" , it cooperates with Japan National Tourism Organisation, such that pets are allowed to visit traditional attractions and restaurants together with their owners.

Pet Holidays has invested resources in service differentiation; it not only caters for dogs or cats but also provides immigration services for other pets such as rabbits, turtles, parrots, and chinchillas. Meantime, the Brand actively advocates  "adoption and no abandonment"  , and helps stray animals to find new homes cross borders by leveraging on its expertise in handling pet travels. Up to date, Pet Holidays has successfully handled some 5,500 pet immigration cases covering over 50 countries and regions.

In a short span of 8 years, Pet Holidays has become an industry leader; and it is proud to have received "Hong Kong Emerging Service Brand" in 2020, "Hong Kong Top Service Brand" in 2022 and "The Most Valuable Brand Asia Pacific" in 2023. As a Hong Kong brand upholding the "Lion Rock Spirit" , Pet Holidays will continue to strengthen and give full play to its competitive advantages, and tell the good stories of Hong Kong.
