When a Licensee of the Made in Hong Kong Mark use wordings to indicate or interpret the Mark in textual or verbal contexts, the full name of the Organiser or its abbreviation, and the application scope of the Mark should be well articulated. This document includes some suggested statements to illustrate the proper use of the Mark in literature; other wordings may be used provided that it is first submitted to consult with the BDC.
In the following examples, “Hong Kong Brand Development Council” may be replaced by its acronym “the BDC”, and “HK Mark” may be used to stand for “Made in Hong Kong Mark”. In order to clearly indicate the Scope of License, Licensees should duly mention the License number, the Certificate of Origin number, the lot number, or code number of the goods in question.
C (product) under the B (brand) of A (Company), as listed on the License D (number), is recognized by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council as “Made in Hong Kong”.
C (product) under B (brand) of A (Company) is a “Made in Hong Kong” product recognized by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council; this remark applies only to the goods listed on the License D (number).
C (product) under B (brand) of A (Company), as listed on the License D (number), is awarded Made in Hong Kong Mark by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council.
C (product) under B (brand) of A (Company), as listed on the License D (number), has been granted the right to use Made in Hong Kong Mark by the Hong Kong Brand Development Council.
C (product) under B (brand) of A (Company), as listed on the License D (number), is a registered product under the Made in Hong Kong Mark Scheme of the Hong Kong Brand Development Council and the License number is D.
C (product) under B (brand) of A (Company), as listed on the License D (number), is recognized by Made in Hong Kong Mark Scheme of the Hong Kong Brand Development Council.